Stable identifiers
Herbarium # GZU 000251124
Collection # GZU-Nees ab Esenbeck
Stored under taxonname Peristrophe kotschyana Nees   tropicos
Family Acanthaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned Nees s.d.
Ident. history orig. 1841: Peristrophe bicalyculata; Nees s.d.: Peristrophe kotschyana
Syntypus of Peristrophe kotschyana Nees
Prodr. (DC.) 11: 497-498 (1847-11-25)
Typified by: F. Schlatti (GZU) 2009-06-22
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Schimper,G.H.W. Iter nubicum (C. G. T. Kotschy) 161 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1839-10-11
Location Sudan
Label Ad montem Cordofanum Arasch-Cool inter saxa et in umbra Mimosarum
Annotations U.i. 1841

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