Stable identifiers
Herbarium # GZU 000302155
Collection # GZU
Stored under taxonname Baumiella caespitosa Henn.   tropicos
Family Leptosphaeriaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned P. C. Hennings s.d.
Ident. history P. C. Hennings s.d.: Baumiella caespitosa; P. Resl (GZU) 2013-02-21: = Leptosphaeria baumii
specimen originale of Baumiella
Kunene-Sambesi-Exped. : 165 (1903)
Typified by: Anonymous s.d.
Current Name: Leptosphaeria
specimen originale of Baumiella caespitosa Henn.
Kunene-Sambesi-Exped. : 165 (1903)
Typified by: Anonymous s.d.
Current Name: Leptosphaeria baumii Arx & E. Müll.
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Baum,Hugo Kryptogamae exsiccatae editae a Mus. Hist. Nat. Vindobon. 3025 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date s.d.
Location Namibia
Label Africa austro-occid: ad flumen Quiriri prope Sakkamecho
Habitat in foliis vivis Monotis dasyanthi
Annotations Ist nach Höhnel, Fragm. z. Mykol. nr. 618 (Sitzungsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-naturw. Kl. Bd. 119,Abt. 1 (1910), p. 923, keine Amphisphaeriaceen-, sondern eine Cucurbitariaceen-Gattung. Keissler; specimen originale;
[P. Resl (GZU) 2013-02-21: Is also specimen originale for the genus Baumiella Henn.]

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